A century ago there were 100,000 tigers roaming the forests, swamps, and tundra of Asia. TODAY, there are as few as 3,200 left in the wild. Only 7% of historic tiger habitat still contains tigers.
At this rate, wild tigers will be extinct in just a few decades.
Illegal Trade
Consumer demand for tiger parts poses the largest threat to tiger survival. Tigers are being hunted to extinction by poachers for their skins, bones, teeth and claws, which are highly valued for their use in traditional Asian medicine (TAM), various folk remedies and various products. The wildlife trade network, TRAFFIC, found that for the past two years, the smuggled parts from at least 200 tigers have been confiscated per year by law enforcement in Asia. In the past 10 years, over 1000 tigers have been killed to traffic their parts to meet consumer demand in Asia.
Parts from a single tiger can fetch as much as $50,000 on the black market, making the poaching of these magnificent creatures very alluring to criminal networks.
Claws, teeth and whiskers are believed to provide good luck and protective powers. And tiger skins and tiger bone wine are valued as status symbols.
Black Market Demand
Uses of tiger body parts in various cultures that is driving the poaching of wild tigers.
Tiger Farms
Recently the owners of several large tiger “farms” in China have been pressuring the government to lift the domestic trade ban and allow them to legally produce tiger products, and at least one farm was caught selling tiger bone wine and meat illegally.
Massive Habitat and Prey Loss
Less than 100 years ago, tigers roamed across most of Asia. Their territory stretched from eastern Turkey to the Russian Far East, extending northward to Siberia and southward into Bali. In a relatively short period of time, humans have caused tigers to disappear from 93% of their former range and destroyed much of their habitat.
Why has this happened? Our world’s forests are being cleared at an alarming rate and replaced by small-farmer and industrial agriculture (for products like palm oil, pulpwood for paper products, and coffee), the timber trade and general development.
The world’s forests are lost at a rate of as many as 36 football fields a minute.
In the last 25 years, the island of Sumatra (home to the Sumatran tiger) has lost 50% of its forestcover.
Human-Tiger Conflict
Tigers are struggling to find adequate food and often end up hunting domestic livestock that local communities depend on for their livelihoods. When this happens many communities retaliate, SOMETIMES killing the offending tiger or capturing it and sending it to a zoo. Tigers killed as “conflict” animals often end up for sale in the black market.
Excellent article!!!
ResponderEliminarI believe that Asian governments should be take legal action against any violation of habitat and integrity of the tigers, and they are living beings that have the same right to live as we do. I find it strange that a culture so respectful of nature such as the Asian, are in favor of these horrific actions. Biodiversity is the most beautiful of Mother Nature and man is obligated to care for and protect.
ResponderEliminarEnvironmental problems have no single point of origin, because everything is interrelated to maintain a balance in nature, the man intervene unplanned causes problems.
ResponderEliminarThe case of endangered species of tiger is from a cultural problem, even the population growth. It's a bit tricky trying to change cultures and beliefs of peoples, but you must create awareness that are killing a species that is at risk and have the violent growth of large cities, ending with spaces not only the tiger, if not other species, and cause physically alter the space alterations. Government institutions must create more overhead protection, and ensure that standards are met within the same, thus contributing to reduce these acts slowly with just the population of this beautiful animal.
it is really sad that they esten passing this type of things that a so imposing and impressive animal as the tiger this on the verge of disappearing of the Earth
ResponderEliminarthe Asian government must take serious measures to avoid the extinction of this animal, also they would have to create zones of protection where the tigers can live calmly and in surroundings adapted without the intervention of the human beings. To fine to that they are dealing this animal.
ResponderEliminarI think this is a serious problem that is affecting not only the tigers but many other animals in the world who are in danger of extinction, most of them are killed to extract their skins, bones, tusks, etc., and so use it for sale as raw material. One of the strategies of these hunters is to destroy the natural habitat of these animals, so they must move to other places but low and that do not favor them. in my opinion, governments should make laws to control hunting of the animals because they belong to the natural ecosystem of the planet and deserve to live like all living things.
ResponderEliminarNote that the natural habitat of the endangered tiger is increasingly deteriorated due to deforestation and the spread of farms and villages in these areas were naturally the cat. Causing the separation of the groups, limiting the chances of conception with other males or females. This affected the proliferation (and generations of pups born with birth defects or mutations that prevent them from reaching adulthood) and the health of the endangered tiger.
ResponderEliminarThe reduction of the habitat of the endangered tiger also causes loss of prey and this reason, according to some studies, is the most serious threat to the tiger left in total extinction. Secure resources for their survival is urgent, otherwise the tiger will disappear in a few years. Their bodies are dismembered, the bones, whiskers and tusks are sold for high amounts of black money.
The endangered tiger now has little chance of preserving the species, being the man his greatest enemy.
verguenza is one that the money is worth but nowadays for the humanity that the balance of the atmosphere, if the laws of mendel have not acted against these beautiful felines the human being less… even so does not see that the efforts of the authorities bear fruits!
ResponderEliminarHumberly Camacaro!
Tigers are not the only ones who suffer, for the unconsciousness of man, the seals also are attacked by your skin and worst of all, it's even a sort of sport. This cruel activity occurs in Canada, where the government despite the EU ban on trade in seal products or byproducts, still trying to convince the public that hunting is cruel, necessary, and spend thousands of dollars of public funds for find new markets to sell products and byproducts seal, instead of spending it on a temporary measure to replace this cruel industry. In general we can say that both the future of tigers, seals and other animals in this situation is uncertain.
ResponderEliminarHere is a video of an interview on the subject is not recommended to see if it impresses Fasil, as it has some strong scenes.
it´s unfortunate that many species suffer from these problems,breed those animals out of their habitat and then mutilate and sell their parts is unhuman, the government should take into consideration this factor, no matter that many cultures practice these worships, should establish a law criminalizing the mutilation of animals and also create a model of population distribution and protection of animal habitat, besides many of these model exists, they had to put them to function properly. organizations like PETA are concerned for animals and act on their behalf.
ResponderEliminarhere´s an interesting link that you can search, it contains important information about tigers and a association calls STF (save the tigers fund)
Its very sad that in pleny 21th Century, this activites reamin in ceartin places of the world. And is very intersting that this part of the world is very advance in so many aspects. I think that the governments should be more strict with this kind of practice and create more laws about protect this animals and the forrest, beacuse in a long term the ecosystem will be afected with damages that can't be fixed. Is a serious problem and i must STOP now.
ResponderEliminarEl Pasar del tiempo y con los avances de la tecnología el hábitat natural tanto vegetal como animal se ha visto afectado. pues a parecer, para el ser humano destruir la VIDA, por que es vida lo que están destruyendo; se ha vuelto mas que diversión en un vicio. y esto ocurre por las entradas excesivas de dinero que produce la venta bien sea de Pieles, huesos u otras partes del cuerpo que en el articulo lo explica referente a los tigres. Mas que los gobiernos, la sociedad debería organizarse y tomar conciencia en pro de la ayuda y protección de la vida animal. no es posible que por mayor necesidad que se tenga deba extinguirse una especie que a su vez forma parte de nuestro entorno.
ResponderEliminarit`s very importan for the balance of nature balance that all creture have to live. so we have to make all of our effort to preserve this important species to avoid of extintion and mantain the equilibrun in the world
ResponderEliminarAnother problem for the survival of big cat is the deterioration of natural habitats in which they have lived for centuries. In Asia, due to deforestation, the Tigers do not find the space they need to live, hunt and breed. As a result, they often attack nearby farms, destroying the livelihoods of those living in them, and sometimes the people themselves.
ResponderEliminarthis shows human unconsciousness about our own world, we don't understand that we are destroying the habitat, nature and all animals that inhabit in it.
ResponderEliminarwe must remember that the world is not only on us
Yosimar Barrientos
ResponderEliminarI think there should be organizations that handle care for or preserve the life of tigers, since they are being persecuted for marketing by the black market so this causandon its absolute extinction as a century ago there were 100,000 tigers and there are now so only 3200.
From my viewpoint, they must use alternative medicines, which don´t harm the life of the tigers and of any other animal. Currently, there are medicines effective against various diseases that may present a person, so their hunting on medical grounds is not justified.
ResponderEliminarOn the other hand, regional governments should promote the protection of tiger and develop and protect the reserves, in that place the tigers could develop naturally, in this way, they would protect both the animal, as people which are exposed to an imminent attack by the tigers.
It is sad that an animal species become extinct so quickly in time, human interest, to the point where the demand is so execesiva that does not allow the reproduction of animals. Therefore, in a few years and what humanity can not take advantage of them and also may cause an ecological imbalance, since from many years ago established a chain is only natural that almenticia be disrupted or missing stair any group or species are affected directly or indirectly. Therefore it is important to support groups of animal protection to decrease hunting fujrtiva and not allow complete extinction of these animals.
ResponderEliminarI think tigers are of great importance in the animal kingdom, human beings to expand their territory and interfere with the habitat of these is harmful both to the same beings as animals, this is because if the animals attack living beings are armed and they can further reduce this small group of animals, but on the contrary if the animal attacks this man is disarmed and can take life, as this is its nature, be wild and attack.
ResponderEliminarThe article is very interesting I think, enables us to realize the error in which a man fallen in value on what nature has given us. Tigers not only Asia but also whales, bears and turtles for example are part of our balance sheet. It is essential to create new policies really strict to protect animal life and punish those who harm the habitat where they live and hunt for themselves, but this is a fight where we all participate.
ResponderEliminarLuisana Indriago
It is sad but true, the tiger, in my opinion the most majestic of cats, is an animal that is on the edge of extinction ... I leave the link here to a page that also deals with this subject so painful, as is the extinction of a creature so special
ResponderEliminares tan deprimente ver como asesinan estos pobres animales y los gobiernos no toman cartas en el asunto. sabiendo que destruyen una vida animal, la cual esta apunto de extinguirse. cuando quieran reversar el daño, de no tomar cartas en el asunto ya sera demasiado tarde! deben crearse campañas para la protección de estos animales y para que las personas q hacen este mal tome conciencia
ResponderEliminarThe fact that the population is increasing worldwide can not justify the deterioration of natural habitats not only tigers but many other species are also endangered as some species of reptiles. Social culture has deteriorated over the years and is evident by the fact that although there are laws against hunting tigers, people are still doing this deplorable act and even contribute to the reproduction of this species .
ResponderEliminarIt's amazing how human beings can be so unconscious, destroying the life of a wonderful living being and other, ie they have the same right to live as humans. To think that we are so technologically advanced, but the truth is that we act as primitives who do not respect the lives of animals. Now the incredible question, why follows this happening? Why not be so taken measures to combat this? Definitely man is destroying the planet earth.
ResponderEliminarToday's technology makes it virtually impossible for a species becoming extinct. Beyond this, it is a barbaric hunt. The only way to save is adapted to our rooms, so I think something very positive about the sale of this and other exotic species, playback of these artificial means, and foremost, proper education on how to care for and tame these beautiful , beautiful animals and especially fragile. The best thing would be to promote ecological reserves, but be realistic ... we live in a capitalist society, not environmentalist..
It's a very interesting article which serves to raise awareness and become better people with the ecosystem or the animal kingdom as the majestic tiger has few places to hide. In the past I used to roam freely through the extensive mangroves have been destroyed almost completely by humans. Poachers get high prices for tiger skin and other body parts used in traditional medicine.
ResponderEliminarDifferent animals like the tiger need to live in large territories to survive and develop their lives. The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), should apply severe penalties on those engaged in hunting, buying and selling these animals, in order to preserve the species cat.
Raul Salcedo!!!
It's amazing what humans can do. living like we are crying out to not end up with them.
ResponderEliminarEach species deserves respect, a place to live without the fear of being hunted. The preservation of species is important. How nice it is to live on a planet where such a wide diversity of wildlife q every day we are surprised to find a new species that are very old and q are still standing. Although cats intimidate us so we must respect their space and their right to live. Learn to live with them and understand that the scale hunting slowly killing the species and many more.
That sadness and indignation that things like that happen … that for lack of love and comprehension to the mother nature, inhuman persons could destroy and finish with her, lamentably … have all the laws been decreed for the protection of the species in extinction and his habitat? Many, but even this way it continues and increases this alarming situation, this owes to itself that already our company turns to about the money, the ambition, the power, the greed, greed, in end in all that related to the materialism and not in the well-being of the species till when we will continue with this destructive reality? Until we understand that for our erroneous actions, we us are destroying to us themselves and with the life cycle … since it is done called again the expansion of conscience and the positive participation in favour of the ecological balance.
ResponderEliminarKARLA MARCANO ILLEGAL TRADE: The human beings we have been in charge to make the sufficient damage like everywhere putting in imminent danger many animal species of the world, not to mention those that or have been extinguished product of the destruction of their habitat and the imbalance of the nutritional chains caused by the mistaken interaction of the man who by means of the hunting, the cutting or the contamination has significantly altered the possibility of life for many animal species that try to survive in the middle of this drama del that all we are guilty. By such reason also we are responsible to do something by its protection. At the moment the most important factor in specific case of the tiger, as far as the diminution that still experiences their populations, is the loss of habitat by deforestation of wooded zones with forest and mining aims or for their transformation in agricultural and cattle areas.
ResponderEliminarYou need to understand that poaching, environmental change and population fragmentation are killing tigers. The researchers say that, once extinct, would be impossible to restore the species in its natural habitat for its complex biology. Without the thick jungles of India, without the birch forests of Siberia, no swamps Asian tiger's survival is little probable